PAVEcast: A conversation about autonomous vehicles
PAVEcast is the official podcast of Partners for Automated Vehicle Education, a nonprofit coalition working to raise the level of public knowledge about autonomous vehicle (self-driving car) technology. Join us for a conversation about the future of transportation. You can find us @PAVECampaign on social media or on the web at www.pavecampaign.org.
PAVEcast: A conversation about autonomous vehicles
CAV Innovation in Louisiana: Previewing a First-of-its-Kind Event
Partners for Automated Vehicle Education
In this episode of the PAVEcast, we interviewed Greg Rodriguez of Stantec and Josh Harrouch of LaDOTD to discuss the first Louisiana CAV Innovation Day, taking place on April 30th in Baton Rouge, LA. Tune in to learn more about the event, who should attend, what you can expect to take away, and more.
Click here for details and registration on the event.