PAVEcast: A conversation about autonomous vehicles
PAVEcast is the official podcast of Partners for Automated Vehicle Education, a nonprofit coalition working to raise the level of public knowledge about autonomous vehicle (self-driving car) technology. Join us for a conversation about the future of transportation. You can find us @PAVECampaign on social media or on the web at www.pavecampaign.org.
PAVEcast: A conversation about autonomous vehicles
From Aviation to Autonomous Vehicles: Leveraging the InfoShare Model for AV Safety
For many years, the aviation industry has held an annual InfoShare event, where stakeholders share challenges, ideas, and best practices for cross-industry implementation. The forum has been instrumental in fostering collaboration and enhancing airline safety.
Based on the success of the aviation InfoShare, the autonomous vehicle industry convened the first-ever AV Safety Infoshare session this spring, and a second event in December 2024.
Following the December AV Safety InfoShare, we asked three safety experts who participated in the session to join us for a discussion. They share high-level takeaways, discuss the hurdles that remain, and share best practices that are applicable to the AV ecosystem. Guests include Kevin Reilly of Cruise, Steven Siko of Torc Robotics, and Tanya Hood of Forterra.