PAVEcast: A conversation about autonomous vehicles
PAVEcast is the official podcast of Partners for Automated Vehicle Education, a nonprofit coalition working to raise the level of public knowledge about autonomous vehicle (self-driving car) technology. Join us for a conversation about the future of transportation. You can find us @PAVECampaign on social media or on the web at www.pavecampaign.org.
PAVEcast: A conversation about autonomous vehicles
Now Hiring: Workforce Development in the Autonomous Vehicle Industry
As the autonomous vehicle (AV) industry advances and self-driving cars become a part of our reality, questions arise over what this will mean for jobs and the economy. A new coalition — USAVjobs.com – seeks to compile resources, job training programs, and government initiatives, to answer questions about AVs and the workforce.
Tune in for a conversation featuring experts May Mobility, Aurora, and DriveOhio, as we examine the state of workforce development in AVs. Panelists will discuss existing job creation programs, upskilling and reskilling initiatives, and future opportunities for economic growth – across skill levels, areas of expertise, and geographic locations.
Guests include Nicole DuPuis, Policy and Advocacy Lead at May Mobility; Rich Granger, Managing Director of Workforce and Economic Development at DriveOhio; and Matt Blackburn, Senior Manager of Government Relations at Aurora.