PAVEcast: A conversation about autonomous vehicles

PAVECast: AVs & Accessibility - Lessons from goMARTI (Minnesota's Autonomous Rural Transit Initiative)

March 27, 2024 Partners for Automated Vehicle Education
PAVEcast: A conversation about autonomous vehicles
PAVECast: AVs & Accessibility - Lessons from goMARTI (Minnesota's Autonomous Rural Transit Initiative)
Show Notes

goMARTI (Minnesota's Autonomous Rural Transit Initiative) is an on-demand autonomous shuttle project located in Grand Rapids, Minnesota, that was created to explore accessibility-focused public transportation in rural communities. The program provides free on-demand rides using automated May Mobility shuttles.

This PAVECast discusses the importance of accessibility in public transit, successful collaboration between government and industry stakeholders, accessibility beyond AVs, and more.

Guests include:
Tammy Meehan Russel, President, The Plum Catalyst
Tara Olds, Director, Connected & Automated Vehicles, MnDOT
Mychael Mulhern, Director, Customer Success, May Mobility